Fall Skincare for Mature Skin:  Addressing Age-Related Concerns

Fall Skincare for Mature Skin: Addressing Age-Related Concerns

Fall Skincare for Mature Skin: Age related concerns

When the breeze starts to have a hint of the aroma of pumpkin spice, the trees are adorned with leaves of gold and red and are already shedding them, and the summer dresses are replaced with warm sweaters and scarves. Indeed, that time of the year when changes are not only seen in nature but also in the outward appearance of the skin.

During the summer period, we enjoy the beauty of our summer and hardly hear our skin speaking let alone complaining especially for women in the fabulous 40+ crew. There is something that people may not be fully aware of, which is the fact that after 40 years of age, skin loses its thickness at an average rate of 1% per year. Or that skin, when it is mature, begins to regenerate four times slower than it used to when it was young. 

Dryness and Dehydration

As for the problem of dryness and dehydration, you should know that the fall air can be rather slippery. One of the skin’s properties is its capacity to hydrate the skin; its capacity declines as we age. The solution to this is very simple and it majorly involves water drinking.

Make sure you are taking water in the right ratio throughout the day so that you skin can be glowing because of the water which is from inside. Outside, change to a better cream for the sensitive skin, the one that retains the moisture in the skin. Visit products containing Hyaluronic acid, b5, peptides, and ceramides, as they are well-known to enhance the hydration of the skin.

Loss of Elasticity

This is another issue that is not very evident when you are young but which grows with age. The level of collagen yielding the skin’s ability to bounce back, slowly reduces. But wait, all hope is not lost. As much as you are unable to stop time, you are also able to include the following habits to your skincare routine. It is something that can work wonders even when carried out in a routine manner like face massages. 

Hyperpigmentation and Age Spots

These usually turn into an issue of concern. These spots have a tendency of getting more obvious after many years of exposure to the sun. Evening of overcast days, typical for fall, is the perfect time to do this, you ask why?

Do not forget your sunscreen, no matter the season or whether or not you will be out in the sun all day. Yes, even when it is cloudy outside we can make use of these natural sources of energy. It is also effective in preventing or managing the appearance of these spots through routine and gentle skin peeling. But always remember to go for a facial moisturizer for sensitive skin to make sure the skin remains well nourished after washing it. 


Fall is a time of change and change also brings a set of challenges with regards to skincare and your skin. Age is a beautiful thing and skin needs the same attention as you gave her when you were young. However, age is only a statistic on a piece of paper and every season can be colorful.

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