Why SPF is Non-Negotiable

Why SPF is Non-Negotiable

Let's be real, no skincare routine is complete without sunscreen. It's like the foundation of a house, without it, everything else crumbles. SPF is your first line of defense against the sun's harmful UV rays, shielding your skin from premature aging, sunburns, and even skin cancer.

Enter Vitamin C: The Wonder Woman of your Skin

But here's the thing: We have to do more than just talk about SPF. It can only help prevent nasty little free radicals that do harm. And that is when the great vitamin C comes in and helps out! This strong antioxidant fights free radicals and pairs well with SPF to shield your skin from both external and intra damage. This is like a superhero combine where the abilities of one ingredient are boosted by another.

But wait, there's more! Vitamin C can be considered one of the superheroes of skin care as it has multiple benefits for your skin. This antioxidant is the secret weapon to fixing dullness, dark spots, lack of collagen and even inflammation.

Vitamin C offers to your skin for those who are Interested in the fantastic opportunities? Check out our in-depth blog post. Vitamin C is your skin’s superhero sidekick, it’s time to unmask this ingredient and dig into how it can turn your skin around.

Your Summer Skin Savior: The pHix Vitamin C Collection

The [pH]ix Vita C collection is the one-stop-shop for all matters of vitamin C.We have different products each containing this wonder vitamin to cater for your individual skin issues. Regardless of whether you need the night-saver, shining tonic, or sun shield, we’ve got it all. Our Vitamin C Collection must be your skin’s BFF this summer and the other seasons too. Our products help to:

Maximize SPF protection: Shield against other things that SPF cannot shield you from such as free radicals.

Soothe sun-exposed skin: Reduce skin redness and inflammatory responses elicited by ultraviolet radiations.

Prep your skin for makeup: Preparation of the skin is very important; wash your face and apply a good quality moisturizer regularly.

Find out how much you can benefit from vitamin C by browsing through our entire range.

If you really care about your skin and want to keep it healthy and flawless, don’t let vitamin C and SPF remain an ideal that they could never attain. Match them up and behold how your skin will bloom!

Ready to give your skin the dynamic duo it deserves? Head over to our online store and discover our full range of Vitamin C products! And don't forget to slather on that sunscreen.

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